(Changing Lives in Christ Name)

Lifeline Mission Institute

Lifeline Mission Institute

Welcome to the Lifeline Mission Institute, the discipleship and leadership training arm of the Living Christ Lifeline Mission International. You’re not here by accident or coincidence. The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23).

We have prayerfully asked the Lord to direct hungry and thirsty people to this place! That is, those who are hungry for His Word, who are thirty for His touch, and who are yearning to be equipped to share the living Gospel of the kingdom with everyone around them.

If you’re one of such persons, we rejoice with you because Jesus declared that those who hunger and thirst shall be filled (Mathew 5:6)! Are you ready for the milk and meat of God’s Word? The Holy Spirit is waiting to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst!

The overall purpose of the Lifeline Mission Institute is to prepare, train, equip, motivate and mobilize members of the body of Christ to fulfill their divine calling or assignment in life and destiny.

Our programs are carefully designed to help believers discover, develop and/or deploy their gifts, unique talents or special abilities to serve God’s purpose for their lives and their generation.

Constrained by the love of Christ, we are fully committed to the task of perfecting the saints of God for the work of ministry, to advance God’s kingdom on earth.

The Lifeline Mission Institute programs fall into two main categories:

1) Discipleship Program: This is a basic training program for all members of the body of Christ seeking to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, reaching the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

The main objective of our discipleship training program is to school believers to exploits and expand their capabilities for excellence in life and destiny. This program is readily accessible to any true believer who is willing to launch deeper into the Word of God and develop a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

2) Leadership Program: This is an advanced leadership training program for Christian workers and leaders, with a special focus on evangelism and mission, in order to get them ready to reap the worldwide, end-time harvest of souls.

The main objective of this leadership program is to equip, motivate, and ignite Christian workers and leaders to become effective, passionate soul winners. Through the anointed teachings and powerful learning resources provided, we expect God to raise up a generation of bold, committed leaders to plunder hell and  populate heaven as they carry the glorious Gospel of salvation, healing, deliverance and restoration to the ends of the earth.

All our courses are self-paced to fit participants’ personal schedules. The course materials are made available through our special collaboration or partnership with the Harvestime International Network, a non-denominational Christian organization.

By enrolling in the Lifeline Mission Institute program, you will get instant access to our learning tools and a library with dozens of free training manuals and eBooks on various subjects.

In addition to offering all of our courses for free, there is no requirement for a high school diploma or college degree to enroll in any of our programs. This is to ensure that our training program is easily accessible to as many believers as possible. Students may enter the Advanced Leadership Training Program after completing the Discipleship Training Program.

To view our Course Outlines and begin this life-changing journey, please click on the button below to enroll.


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