A global body of blood-watched, Spirit-filled, and fire-baptized end-time intercessors/prayer army commissioned:
1) To support and facilitate the advancement of God's kingdom on earth through prevailing prayers for the global harvest of souls in these last days.
2) To maintain a prayer altar for the body of Christ to remain steadfast and wax stronger in love and unity; in purity and power.
3) To intercede for all true ministers of the Gospel, church leaders and workers for the grace to remain fervent in the spirit in their service to God and to occupy until Jesus comes.
4) To pray that God will send into His harvest field, more labourers who are motivated by the love of Christ for the souls of dying humanity, and are ready to save the lost at all cost.
5) To intercede for the expansion of Spirit-led missionary activities across the globe as well as the continuous spread of the glorious Gospel of Christ with confirming signs, wonders and diverse miracles.
6) To maintain prayerful vigilance against the spirit of antichrist and engaged in triumphal warfare against the entire host of darkness and exercise total dominion over their evil operations and maneuvers against the people of God.
7) To pray for the worldwide liberation of souls from the bondage of sin and the captivity of the devil and his forces of wickedness, and free the captives to serve the living God.
8) To intercede for the liberation of nations and continents from the dominion and influence of the ruling powers of darkness and to prayerfully stand against ungodly laws, decrees, ordinances and demonic governmental policies, rules, regulations exalted against the knowledge, plans and purposes of God and bringing every evil thought and plot to the obedience of Christ.
9) To pray for all those in positions of authority at various levels for godly wisdom and courage, fortitude and forthrightness, and to receive grace for visionary and purposeful leadership with the fear of God.
10) To intercede for family units and war against all satanic laws, customs and practices that are contrary to the God-ordained plan for the family institution and to pray for the reign of righteousness in the homes.
11) To pray for the peace of Jerusalem and other nations that love the true God
 12) To intercede for the needs and overall wellbeing of all GFEI members - physically, spiritually, ministerially, financially, materially, emotionally, intellectually, families and otherwise.
13) To pray or intercede concerning any other needs or matters as may be directed by the Holy Spirit from time to time
14) To encourage members of GFEI to remain sober and vigilant, fervent in spirit, watchful in prayer, and zealous for the Lord, while leading a holy and godly lifestyle with all long-suffering, meekness and fear of God.
Membership in the Global Fellowship of End-time Intercessors is open to all blood-watched, Spirit-filled, and fire-baptized believers in Christ from all walks of life. Apart from being genuinely born again and sanctified, he or she must have a sincere burden for intercession or spiritual warfare.
✅ Every 2nd Friday of the month
✅ 10pm to 4.30
Annual International Prayer Convention
Lifeline Fellowship Center,
Opp.the Mini Campus,
University of Abuja,
Gwagwalada, FCT, Nigeria
Plans are ongoing to acquire a permanent prayer facility (prayer camp or prayer mountain)
Freewill offerings or donations by members or partners of the Global Fellowship of End-time Intercessors.
Such funding is directed towards promoting and facilitating the programs and activities of the Fellowship in fulfilment of its purpose.
Changing Lives in Christ Name
@ 2023 The Living Christ Lifeline Mission Int’l. All Right Reserved