To bring people out of the darkness of sin and the oppression of the devil into a life of dominion in Christ, disciple them to spiritual maturity, equip them for ministry, and release them for mission to the glory of God.
To change as many lives as possible through the word of life and the power of the Holy Spirit and lead them unto eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ.
To be the Living Christ ambassadors in character, in power, and in purpose.
Changing Lives in Christ Name
Anthony Eghosa, a man after God’s own heart. was called and ordained of God, anointed and commissioned by the Holy Spirit as a pastor, evangelist and teacher to spearhead the global end-time harvest and prepare the bride of Christ for her Bridegroom.
By the grace of God, he is the founder and president of the Living Christ Lifeline Mission International. The ministry is based in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, with the mandate to bring people out of the darkness of sin and oppression of the devil into a life of dominion in Christ, disciple them to spiritual maturity, equip them for ministry and release them for mission to the glory of God.
Since he surrendered his life to Christ at an early age, while living with his maternal grandparents who were unbelievers at the time, he has continued to yearn and pursue after God, nourishing himself on the milk and meat of His Word of life which enabled him to continue to grow in grace and into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ through the help and power of the Holy Spirit.
He has had the privilege of serving the body of Christ in various roles and at various levels, starting in childhood as a member of the children’s choir, becoming a worship leader, youth president, prayer band leader, Sunday school superintendent, evangelism coordinator, Bible study secretary on campus, church board member, and more, including full-time pastoral and teaching ministry. He served in these roles in some Pentecostal churches and in an Evangelical Christian fellowship before before the Lord sent him forth to begin the Living Christ Lifeline Mission International.
In addition to his academic and professional training, which has allowed him to work in a foremost banking institution, accounting and law firms, as well as partner with some organizations in the Telecommunications, hospitality and multi-level marketing industries, he has also had the privilege of studying at a number of renowned Bible colleges and institutes around the world.
In his hunger to be more like Christ and fulfill God’s eternal purpose for his life and ministry, he constantly seeks ways to deepen and broaden his knowledge of God as well as his fellowship with the Holy Spirit through Spirit-inspired resources and anointed books written by great servants of God.
He has been happily married to his dearest friend, Precious for over 15 years and they are blessed with wonderful and God-fearing children.
We believe that THE BIBLE is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.
We believe that there is ONE GOD, eternally existent in three Persons:
God The Father
God The Son
God The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Deity of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right Hand of the Father, His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule.
We believe in the BLESSED HOPE - the rapture of the Church at Christ’s second coming.
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
We believe that Re-Âgeneration by the HOLY SPIRIT is essential for personal salvation.
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on THE CROSS provides healing for the body in response to believing prayer.
We believe that the BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it, with the evidence of "speaking in tongues".
We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is able to live a HOLY LIFE.
We believe in the RESURRECTION of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.
Changing Lives in Christ Name
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