(Changing Lives in Christ Name)



Are you aware that the world is in dire need of Jesus today, more than ever before? All across the globe, millions of souls are dying every single day without hope and without a Saviour.

Do you have a burden to join our rescue mission, as we throw the lifeline to souls drowning in the sea of life? Our Lord was categorical when He said in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.” Do you desire to be used by God in a personal way to reap the end-time harvest?

If the Great Commission given by Christ Jesus means anything to you, then Become A Lifeline Mission Partner Today! Together, let’s take the message of Jesus, the only hope of salvation to dying humanity.

The Lifeline Mission Partnership program helps us to take the word of life, which is the glorious Gospel of Jesus, to precious souls from coast to coast every year.

Under the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Lifeline Mission Outreach is at the center of global end-time evangelism, which has seen countless souls turn from darkness unto light, and delivered from the powers of Satan to serve the living God. Our outreach program is designed to reach the unreached with the life-changing Gospel, to proclaim Jesus especially wherever He is not yet known.

By joining the program as a Prayer Partner, Financial Partner, or both, you will become co-workers, together with the Holy Spirit and our team, in the supreme tasks of world evangelism and kingdom advancement.

For more details on how to become a Lifeline Mission Partner, Please Click Here

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Changing Lives in Christ Name

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